Legal Notice

Acevi Villarroel

Company, organization: Acevi Villarroel Hotel
Registered workshops:
Villarroel Street, 106
08011 Barcelona – Spain
Tel: +34 934 52 00 00
Fax: +34 933 23 97 51

CIF: B-62851423


1. General Information.

In accordance with art 10 of Law 34/2002 of July 11 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI), it is reported that this website belongs to:

Address: C/ Villarroel nº 106, 08011 Barcelona
Registry Data: Registered in the Mercantile Registry of Barcelona, ​​Volume 34493, Folio 1, Sheet B-248494, Registration 1º
NIF: B-62851423

2. Conditions of use

In general, Users may access the website freely and free of charge.

The use of the website implies acceptance by the user of the conditions established on this page owned by YEICABARNA, SL. Some aspects of this website, due to their specialty, may be subject to particular conditions or rules that may replace, complete or modify this Legal Notice, so they must also be accepted by the User who uses or accesses them.

The property reserves the right to modify the general conditions at any time, being applicable from its publication to all users of the website.

The use of this website for illegal or unauthorized purposes by users is prohibited. It is also prohibited to make any other use of this Website that damages or disables the networks, servers, equipment, products and computer programs owned by or third parties.

The user is responsible for ensuring that the information provided through the website is true. For these purposes, the user is responsible for the veracity of all the data communicated and will keep the information provided appropriately updated, in such a way that it responds to their real situation. The user will be responsible for any false or inaccurate information provided and for any damage this causes to YEICABARNA, SL or third parties.

The user who wants to enter links to this website from their own web pages will be obliged to comply with the following conditions:

– Frames of any type may not be established that surround the website or allow it to be viewed through different internet addresses or together with content unrelated to this website, in a way that produces error or confusion in users about the origin of the service or its content.
– From the page where the link is made, no type of false or inaccurate statement may be made about ACEVI VILLARROEL, about the quality of its services, clients or employees.
– The sender may not use the brand within its website unless expressly authorized.
– The page that establishes the link must observe current legislation and may not link to illegal content.

3. Data Protection

In accordance with the provisions of the RGPD 2016/679 (EU), and LO3/2018 on the Protection of Personal Data, we inform you that your data will be incorporated into the processing system owned by YEICABARNA, SL with CIF B-62851423 and address. social at C/ VILLARROEL, 106, 08011 BARCELONA, with the purpose of providing information related to our products and/or services that adapt to the needs that you have communicated to us. In compliance with current regulations, YEICABARNA, SL informs that the data will be kept for the legally established period in compliance with current applicable regulations.

In turn, we inform you that you can contact the Privacy Officer of YEICABARNA, SL, by writing to the following postal or email address:

YEICABARNA, SL informs that it will proceed to process the data in a lawful, loyal, transparent, adequate, relevant, limited, exact and updated manner. That is why YEICABARNA, SL undertakes to adopt all reasonable measures so that these are deleted or rectified without delay when they are inaccurate.

You may exercise the rights of access, rectification, limitation of processing, deletion, portability and opposition/revocation, in the terms established by current regulations on data protection, by directing your request to the postal address C/ VILLARROEL, 106, 08011 BARCELONA or via email . In this sense, you will have the right at all times to revoke the consent given through this clause.

You may contact the competent Control Authority to present the claim you consider appropriate.

4. Validity of the information contained on the Web.

The information and offers contained on the website will be valid until the indicated expiration date or until they have been withdrawn by the property.

The property reserves the right to introduce modifications or partially or totally omit the current contents of the website when it deems appropriate, as well as prevent or restrict access temporarily or permanently.

The property reserves the right to interrupt access to the website, as well as the provision of any or all of the services provided through it at any time and without prior notice, whether for technical, security, control, maintenance, due to power failures or any other cause, and YEICABARNA, SL cannot be held liable.

The user must read this Legal Notice every time they access this website, as it may be modified in the future.

5. Navigation, access and security

The property is not responsible for controlling that there are no malicious programs or any other harmful computer element on this website. It is up to the user to have adequate tools to detect and disinfect these elements, and the property is not responsible for any damage caused to computer equipment during access to this website.

6. Use of cookies

Access to this website may involve the use of cookies, both on its pages and on those linked or referenced by links. Those users who do not wish to receive cookies or want to be informed of their setting must configure their browser for this purpose.

7. Intellectual Property

ACEVI VILLARROEL is the owner of the intellectual property rights over the images, texts, designs, animations or any other content or element.

The reproduction, permanent storage and dissemination of the contents of the website or any use for public or commercial purposes is strictly prohibited without the prior written consent of the owner of the website.

8. Communications

Communications from ACEVI VILLARROEL to the User will be carried out in accordance with the data provided by the latter when registering on the Website. The User expressly accepts the use of email as a valid procedure for sending communications related to the use of the Website, and /or the contracting of the services offered therein.

9. Minors

In general, to use the services offered by the Website, minors must have previously obtained the authorization of their parents, guardians or legal representatives, who will be responsible for all acts carried out through the Portal by minors. office.

10. Applicable legislation and jurisdiction

This Legal Notice is governed entirely by Spanish legislation.

The user undertakes to make correct use of this website in accordance with the Law, with this Legal Notice, as well as with the other conditions, regulations and instructions that may be applicable.

The user will be liable to the property and to third parties for any damage or harm that may be caused by non-compliance with their obligations.

For the resolution of any conflict arising from the interpretation and application of this Legal Notice, or the use of this website, the user expressly submits to the jurisdiction of the Judges and Courts of Barcelona, ​​expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may apply.